Bloggy Help:

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Tip of the Week - What should I blog about?

Blogging successfully requires time spent on writing posts...we all know that. But sometimes the writer's block sets in and the blog starts to feel stagnant...

Here are a few ideas of what you can blog about today:

Call a friend and have them make suggestions on what to write. Sometimes if you are feeling like a blog couch potato, this can be a great way to get some ideas bounced off a friend. The results of giving someone else control (somewhat) of your content can be surprising - in a good way.

Write a list. Readers typically LOVE lists...(mmmm?) 
Create lists of your favorite things to do in the summer/ fall/ winter etc., what's in your purse, what you just bought on Amazon, list places you love to visit in your area, list all your tastiest recipes and where to find them...make sure you add links to interesting sites related to your list. Ask your friends what they'd like to see a list about!

How To...
How to's and Tutorials are big news! If you can share a way to accomplish something in a different way, your readers will appreciate it and forward to their friends or link on their blog. Make it easy to understand, post photos showing how you glued that feather on or spray painted the chair.

Before and Afters
The How To leads beautifully into a Before and After post. It gets increasingly difficult to remember to take that Before no matter what you're working on make sure to take a quick shot of a Before. Then when you're finished and happy with your "creation" (whatever that may be), then take many After shots to share with readers. They love it. I love it!

Share your ideas on what to blog about with us!


  1. Lovely post. I sure know what it's like to feel like I've hit a wall when it comes to content. Other times I can sit down and write up five posts and have them all scheduled and ready to go. So strange how things work sometimes. :P I really like the idea of a list! -- Sea Marie

  2. Great post. So true, it's nice to have some ideas when the writer's block hits. I like to space my tutorials out with some writing in between to keep things interesting

  3. Great ideas! And you're so right - I have the hardest time remembering to take a before photo of anything I do.

  4. Wow! I just found your blog, and I love it...I grabbed a button, and followed for emails, and added my blog to the linky list under Arts and Crafts! Thankyou!
    xxx Paula Boudreaux


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