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Spotlight with A Little Tipsy

I was browsing some mommy blogs today and I came across this complete surprise delight! A Little Tipsy. The whole blog is darling. You know—one of those blogs that makes you feel like you must have missed something in the mom department when it comes to extra time and creativity. The type of blog that leaves you wondering how women ever have the time to be this fun/cute/creative. Usually I avoid those blogs like the plague. But I don't know if it's my post-vacation rededication to summer fun, or what, but this blog was really inspiring. Lots of tips, ideas, and resources. And the very first thing I want to try is THIS:
Water Bombs 032image


  1. Those are the cutest! I love them.

  2. Awesome ... definitely looks like they would hold lots of water!!!

  3. I'm glad you ran across A Little Tipsy. She's a really fun blogger. Sponges are definitely the way to go for water fun and these look a lot better than just opening up a package of boring sponges. Nice!

  4. These are soooooo cute , I love them!

  5. Thanks for the shout out! I love the sponge bombs too! They were actually a guest post by Heather from Whipperberry who is super talented!


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