Newbie Blogger Wendi of SoulDelights blog has created an enchanting on-line photo journal of her pink passions which include bouquets of pink flowers, vintage collectibles and home stitched quilts. SoulDelights was created with the intent of sharing and exchanging the elements of beauty that flourish in each of our lives which in turn minister grace and joy to our souls.
SoulDelights regularly features pieces of Wendi’s vast collection of vintage enamelware staged among diverse Colorado outdoor surroundings. Rare pink kettles and coffee pots are among Wendi’s favorites. Other items featured include pink Depression glass, architectural antiques and embroidered linens.
Lastly, don’t be surprised if you see some posts featuring wooly lambs. Wendi started working with a local sheep ranch 3 years ago to assist with the lambing season. Who can resist a smile when gazing at the precious faces of baby lambs? Each winter the Ewe Bet Ranch welcomes approximately 60 baby lambs to live at the base of the Colorado Rocky Mountains.
So pop over to SoulDelights and give Wendi a welcoming howdy!
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