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Cool Giveaway at 'Round the Coop!

I hear the word "paint" and I start to pay attention! So when Debbie at 'Round the Coop contacted me about a giveaway, I had to let my fellow "Guidebookians" in on the possibilities!
The items are One Quart of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in a color of their choice and a adorable metal box that has been painted in Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. The Annie Sloan Chalk paint is so can read about it here. This paint is truly amazing! You don't have to prime, strip or sand...just brush on the paint, wax and voila! You can have some lovely heirlooms for your home.
"Your projects can be left with a velvety matte finish or can be waxed to give a soft shine. Use on walls for a plaster effect. Floors can be painted solid or painted with a translucent wash. Great for outdoor use, it will distress and fade naturally without peeling. Any color can be used to create a chalkboard. This paint also allows walls to breathe and is perfect for damp, high humidity areas.

 It's flexible, so you can be creative and paint right over an existing color if change your mind. This paint can be washed off of your brush with water, even a week later! It's extremely low in VOC's, so it's good for the environment."

To enter to win this amazing giveaway you have to do two things:
1. Visit 'Round the Coop and choose the color paint you'd like to win - leave a comment about it here.
2. Visit Truly Tattered's store blog and leave a comment about the paint. The giveaway begins at 9 a.m. PST.

A winner will be chosen (after matching up both comments) on Monday, the 27th at 5pm PST.

I think I'm just going to order some now...I never win anything!
And don't forget the last few days of our 30 Days of Giveaways!
Keep Blogging!

P.S. Plus I want to give a SHOUT OUT to Matthew Mead and his awesome staff at Holiday With Matthew Mead! They have been picked up by a publisher and the magazine will be on news stands this Christmas! Good work all!


  1. I'm confused where exactly to leave my comment on paint color choice?

  2. HI Mrs. Puma,
    I added more info to the post. Let me know if this clarifies the giveaways.
    Thanks for commenting!


  3. I don't win all that often either, but I love that Versailles color. Thanks for letting me know about the giveaway.

  4. I just painted my refrigerator and dishwasher old white, crazy I know but check it out if you have time.

  5. Hi! I posted a comment on Round the Coop---but the other blog is blogger--and blogger does not allow me to post comments. {Or at least most blogger blogs will not even give me the option.} ????? She also does not have a contact link to contact her and inform her of the comment issue. ugh.

    Thanks for all the fun things you pass along.

  6. all those colors!! Thank you for doing all of these give-aways!

  7. Gosh, it's so hard to pick, I want them all. I would choose Scandinavian Pink. Thanks for the chance to win this fantastic giveaway! 8>)

  8. FYI... Wrong link for posting comment on "Round The Coop - your link takes you to the shop contact page not the Round the Coop blog post. I got an email from the shop letting me know to go to the blog to post comment. Thanks. AJ

  9. So excited about this giveaway!!! But, I'm like Duane at Cottage Oaks and can't leave a comment at Truly Tattered either. Weird... I love Old White and Chateau Grey and Primer Red...all of them really!

  10. HI Everyone! I fixed the link to leave a comment on...sorry for the confusion.


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