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What I want to do this summer by Sarah

I find summer to be a happily busy time of taking the kids to swimming lessons, art classes and once a week ballet sessions, of lingering at the farmer's market on Saturday mornings while toting my cup of coffee and my recycled grocery bag, knowing that it's my only time away from the kids. I'm happy to let them have free reign of the house, picking up toys for hours after they're asleep at 10 p.m., and constantly finding them snacks so they don't complain and whine.
But don't you think it would be totally fair for us moms (or dads) to get a special summer class to go to and get some away from family time? Well, I just found one that sounds so cute and fun that I think you might just want to join up too. It's an e-course!

The next class starts July 18th and is only $99. (This is not a paid endorsement!)
You can also find Juliette's blog here.
Do you know of a cool art or learning class to fill our summer time with?
We'd love to hear from you. Share the link here.

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much for this sweet, sweet post on my HOW TO PAINT AN OWL E-course!

    I'll be posting owl paintings from students in the last class soon... completely breathtaking and so fun!

    Best wishes to you!


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