Bloggy Help:

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Delightful New Sponsors!

Please take a moment to visit our new (and continuing) sponsors.

If you'd like to reside in our "sweet spot" (the sidebar) please click here.
We've got room for ya!

And in other news: We're looking for a silver-smith or silver stamper who might consider designing and creating blog jewelry for us. We are not professional jewelers but would like to offer our "I Blog" Jewelry line in a larger capacity. If you or someone you know is interested, please contact us at blogguidebook(at)gmail(dot)com to work out the details.


  1. sweet...April is the creative genius behind my blog design. i am not easy to please and she made it PERFECT!!

  2. Hmmm...I would love to get a blog design, but I don't know if I can convince myself to pay!

    I've got my first GIVEAWAY goin' on over here! Hurrah! Come check it out if ya like.

  3. Thanks for the shout out! Happy to be a part of your blog. :)


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