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Our First Ad in Holiday With Matthew Mead

You may or may not know that our Lyndsay Johnson designed much of the Holiday With Matthew Mead blog...and we have a lovely advertising spot in the actual magazine, (which was received by us today!) that we are so excited about!  We've never been "published" before and we are so happy to be a part of such a great publication.
If you haven't purchased a magazine...there's still time.  Check out Holiday With Matthew Mead.  The Christmas ideas are fabulous, the colors are so right, and the cookies are going to be baking in our oven very soon.  You'll find some great templates and downloads too!


  1. That's great! I ordered one quite awhile ago and I hope I get it soon!

  2. You should get your mag any day's coming!

  3. Congrats... You gals deserve it! Thanks for your blog :)

  4. How awesome! I can't wait to get my copy in the mail.... I keep anxiously asking my husband when I get home from work if there was any mail for me. I feel like Ralphie from A Christmas Story when he kept checking the mailbox after school!

  5. Just ordered my copy! Also, when are the top 25 going to be announced on the top blog contest?

  6. How fun! I can't wait for it to get here!


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