BGB: Do you have any suggestions for new bloggers? Any tips on gaining followers/readers?
Amanda: Design your site so that it's clean, uncluttered, and easy to navigate. Black text on a white background is easier to read (and looks more professional) than vice versa, or colored text on a patterned background, etc. Make it easy to search and browse archives. Add links with photos to your favorite & most interesting posts in your sidebar. Don't make people answer CAPTCHA questions to leave a comment. Remember that music taste is extremely personal and subjective- think twice about having music playing in the background of your blog.
BGB: Who designed your blog? Do you design it yourself? If so, how did you get started designing?
Amanda: I do all the designing for kevinandamanda.com. I design in HTML, CSS, and PHP. I had to teach myself HTML back when I had my Geocities site- I looked at the code from other sites I liked, copied and pasted it into a "test" webpage, and then I'd add, change, and delete stuff until something changed. Sometimes it did what I wanted... Sometimes it completely broke the webpage! :) Eventually I just did it enough to where I got an idea of what code did what. In 2007, when I switched my blog over to Wordpress, I had to learn CSS and PHP. Fortunately, CSS is very similar to HTML, and I had a great tutorial site to reference when I got stuck. I'm still experimenting with PHP, but fortunately it's similar to Java, which is the language Kevin programs in for work. :)
BGB: Which blogs do you read often? Any favorites?
Amanda: These blogs are at the top of my RSS reader - love getting a new post notification from them! :)
Moment by Moment - beautifully written posts about life, kids, and marriage from Monica. Completely inspiring. I wish I were half as strong as she is.
Lisa Leonard - Gorgeous photos. Sweet, sweet words. Love her calm, laid back approach. When I'm feeling uptight or stressed out, I run here to clear my head.
Picky Palate - Serious yumminess going on over here. My ultimate goal in life is to move in with Picky Palate and be 500 lbs.
Savvy Blogging - Blogging tips, advice, and discussion from other ladies who blog, just like me.
BGB: When and where do you write your posts?
Amanda: I prefer to write in complete silence- usually after dinner, at my desk in the scraproom, in my cushy, oversized office chair, behind the screen of my 20" iMac... but since we travel often, I have been known to write a post or two from the passenger's seat of my 4runner, either going 70 mph down the interstate or dodging pot holes on some country road, balancing my tiny laptop & network card in my lap, with a ball game going on in the background. ;)
BGB: Amanda, thanks so much for taking the time to be interviewed with the Blog Guidebook!
Amanda is so amazingly talented and such a sweetheart on top of that. So happy to see her featured here. :)
ReplyDeleteNice interviw! I enjoyed meeting Amanda in LA when she and I were on the Bertolli tour along with other bloggers..so much fun!